1. UBO
  2. Identify UBOs

Automatically identify your UBOs

Learn how to identify UBOs based on the data in Corporify and based on the Belgian legislation.

In this separate module for UBO management, you can automatically identify your Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) based on the data in Corporify and based on the Belgian legislation (the FAQ of the FOD Financiën). This functionality streamlines the identification process, allowing you to quickly ascertain the individuals who ultimately own or control your entity. After identifying your UBOs, you can conveniently access further details about the automatic calculation.

The UBO module allows you to make changes to the automatically identified UBO, such as  manually add, modify or delete your UBOs where needed.

Below you can find step by step guides on how to manage your UBO:

1. Identify your UBOs automatically.

2. View insights of the UBO calculation.

3. Add UBOs manually.

4. Modify UBOs manually.

5. Delete an UBO.



1. Below you find a step by step guide on how to automatically identify your UBOs based on the data in Corporify and based on the Belgian legislation. The accuracy of the UBO calculation relies on the completeness of the information provided in Corporify.

For detailed instructions, click 'Start tutorialbelow.


2. Below you find a step by step guide on how to view insights of the UBO calculation. This will show how UBOs are calculated through intermediate entities. Additionally, you have the option to view this information in an organizational chart format, which can be exported to PDF.

For detailed instructions, click 'Start tutorialbelow.


3. Below you find a step by step guide on how to manually add an (additional) UBO. This allows you to include a UBO that was not identified through the automatic calculation.

For detailed instructions, click 'Start tutorialbelow.


4. Below you find a step by step guide on how to manually modify your UBOs. This allows you to include additional information or modify details that were not captured during the automatic calculation.

For detailed instructions, click 'Start tutorialbelow.


5. Below you find a step by step guide on how to delete an UBO

For detailed instructions, click 'Start tutorialbelow.