Edit or delete an executed shares transaction

There are various ways to correct a share register.

1) Restore a previous version of the share register

Click the image below for step-by-step guidance

demo gif

Restore a previous version of the register. Select a previous state of the register after a selected transaction. All transactions following the selected transaction will be deleted.

Note that the action to restore a previous version of the register cannot be undone.


 2) Export the entire register to Excel and import the modified export file

Click the image below to take a step-by-step product tour: 

demo gif


Export all transactions of a share register in a single Excel file. The entire history of the register is shown in an incremental way.

The Excel export of the transaction history can be modified and re-imported upon request. Contact our Helpdesk to import the modified transaction history.


3) Delete the entire register

It is possible to delete the entire register. All transactions will be deleted and the register will have to be re-created. All data will be lost. 

Important: Once the register has been deleted, it can not be restored.