Copy documents in bulk to multiple stakeholders

Some documents should not only be stored in the 'Documents' section of an entity, but should also be stored in the 'Documents' section of the entity's shareholders, board members, ... accessible via the Portal.

There are 2 scenario's to bulk copy documents from within an entity, to the individual 'Documents' section of that entity's stakeholders.

(1) General document 

In case you would like to share the same document with different stakeholders via the portal (e.g. a financial report that should be shared with the shareholders), you can copy that document to the 'Documents' section of each of the entity's shareholders, board members, ...


(2) Individual documents - Templates

In case you have generated individual documents for an entity's stakeholders such as shareholders, board members, ... via Corporify (generated documents such as capital calls, proxies, invites, ...), you can easily copy each individual document to the 'Documents' section of each of the entity's corresponding stakeholder.


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